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Jules E. Mastbaum Alumni Association (JEMAA)
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Barbara Adamonis
Arthur Alker
Donald Altobell
Arthur Alvord
Isabel Ananian
Charles Arena
Dolores Ashenfelter (Wasiek)
Florence Auwarter
Karl Bahmiller
Edward W Bailey
Katherine Baker
Beverly Baldwin
Elaine Banazek
Joseph Baranowski
William Barnshaw Jr
Pauline Battista
Albert Baumann, Jr.
Dennis Beals
Gladys Beaver-(Tomkinson)
John Bell
Dorothy Bentz-(Veigel)
Henry Bergdolt, Jr.
Kathleen Berko
James Berneski
Lorraine Beu
Anton Bittenbinder
Robert Blum
Dorothy Bolletino (Steblein)
Elaine Boyce
Edith Boyle-(Keegan)
Rosalie Braunschweig
Jacob Brems
Linn Brienich
Alice Brietenstine-(Cole)
John Brooks
Joanne Brower-(Klucznik)
Maria Brown
Ronald Brown
Rosemary Brown
Rosemary Bujnowski (Chisholm)
Mary Cappuccio (Brewer)
Anthony Cappuccio, Jr.
Patricia Caprara (Arcaro)
Mary Carr (Brunozzi)
Karl Cassel
Florine Cato (Robinson)
Donald Charlton
Thomas Charlton
Carole Charlton-(Layton)
Evelyn Childs
Garrett Christ, Jr.
June Citrino (Stewart)
Florence Clark
Loretta Clegg
Iona Compton-(Colquhaun)
Leroy Conners
Richard Cook
Patricia Cosgrove (Leary)
Robert Cross
James F. Daly
Harry Dantzler
Elizabeth Davis
John Dee
Louise Deininger-(Arnold)
Wayne Demo
Lorraine Derrickson-(Shields)
Richard Dessin
James DiBiasio
Mary DiLeonardo
Theodore Dmytryk
Barbara Dombrowska
Joseph Donnelly
Kenneth Dorn
Charles Dove
George Dragon, Jr.
Gerald Duber
Rita Dunkel
Patricia Dunn
Kathleen Durkin
Dorothy Dutill-(McDevitt)
George Edmund
Kenneth Eichmann
Russell Eichmann, Jr.
Eleanor Elliott
Bruce Erdman
Robert Escher
William Esler, Jr.
Manuel Fachado
Joseph Ferrau
Alice Filer
John Filer
Arthur Firth
Wanda May Fisk
Albert Flood, Jr.
Robert Florek
Janet Foell (Lindsay-)
Joan Francis (Shew)
Carolyn Francis-(Swartz)
Stanley Frankunas
Carol Frey-(Sweeney)
Helen Fricke-(Dmytryk)
Florence Frost (Smalley)
Ernest Fuchs
David Fullington
John Furlong
Edward Gabor
Willie Gantt
Miriam Geroe-(Gural)
Edward Gibson
Doris Gillin
Elizabeth Gilmore-(McGlynn)
Annette Glover
Ann Gordon
Richard Graber
John Graham
Barbara Groh (Hugo)
Catherine Grzelak
Gloria Gugliemello-(Discher)
Elsie Hack (Pollino)
Edward Hackimer
Theodore Hall
Joseph Hamski Jr
Robert Hankinson
Earle Hanna
Mary Hannah
Charles Hayes, Jr.
Arlene Hebler-(Smith)
Joanne Heineman-(Krewson)
Harry Heinz
Barbara Hemphill
Robert Henderson
John Hill
Phyllis Hinton
Marlene Holmes
Edward Horger
Stephen Houck
James Hughes
Lawrence Inglehearn
Lorraine Irwin (McDonald)
Arthur Isbert
Girldene Jackson
Leon Jackson
Franklin Janos
Juris Jansons
Francis Jarvis
John Jenkins
Ernest Johnson
Barbara Jones-(Trouts)
Charles Kaiser, Jr.
Werner Kammerle
Loretta Kapler-(Maguire)
Barbara Katzman
Regina Kazmierski-(Zielke)
Robert Kearney
Anna Keiper-(Christ)
Loretta Kelly-(Duffy)
Paul Kelly, Sr.
Florence Kicinski
Walter Kilgus
Viola Klein
Eugene Knasiak
Eugene Kolakowski
Patricia Koneska-(Baxavaneous)
Anna Kopystecka
Marie Kosek-(Furdello)
Arlene Kozera
Barbara Kreiss-(Christensen)
Peter Kremer
Mary Kreppel
Edward Krystopowicz
Earl Kunzig
Robert Kurze
Robert Kwiatkowski
Lawrence Lacktis
Edward Lang
Stella Laskowska (Mills)
Michael LaVoe
Franklin Law, Jr. (Law)
Donald Leary
Matthew Lehman
Charles Leopold
Arlene Leppert (Theoret)
Jeannette Licaretz
Charles Litterer
Mary Ann Lopacinska
Joseph Lorenz
Audrey Loster
George Louie
May Love-(Samuel)
Josephine Lucier
Frank Ludlow
Robert MacBride
Janet MacDonald
James MacGruther
Gus Macry
Raymond Magill
Richard Malosiecki
Walter Mann
Janet Mannal (Fullington)
Barbara Marrell-(McKey)
Joel Marrow
Martin Marx
Dorothy Matecki (Verrichia)
Gennaro Mauro
John Maxwell
John Mayberry
Marie Mayberry-(Quigg)
Gloria Maynard-(Dougherty)
Leo Maynes, Jr.
Robert McBride
William McCleary
Thomas McDonough
Robert L. McGuckin
John McIver
Donald McPhillips
Helen Meehan-(Jones)
Francis Micenec
Leona Mielock
Doris Miller
Robert Miller
Edmund Misko, Jr.
Constance Mitchell
Carl Moessner
Edward Morgan
John Morgan
Ludwig Morhard
Barbara Morrell
John Mosko
Neville Mozingo
William Muller
Viola Murphy (Welsh)
Frances Murray
Florence Nellett-(Chambers)
Anna Nothe
Georgette Nothe-(Omara)
Charles Nugent, Jr.
Delores Odonnell-(Long)
Patricia Okstinas-(Donnelly)
Verna Oldfield
Richard ORourke
Elizabeth ORourke-(Bodkin)
John Orth
Joseph Orzel
Leo Ostopowicz
William Patek
Jerome Patterson
Theresa Pellegrino
Caroline Pendrak-(Benedetto)
Allen Pennapacker
Carol Pennie-(Heffner)
Adian Pereorow
Phyllis Perna-(Dryson)
John Perry (Last)
Marlene Pfender-(Meussner)
Albert Pickard (Pickard)
Marie Poplas
Dorothy Power
Bernard Powers
Anton Provasnik
Virginia Pugh
Osman Qualli
William Raniszewski
Muriel Rascher-(Early)
Thelma Reed-(Levitt)
Dorothy Reynolds
Claudia Richardson-(Cariss)
Norma Riedel
Lillian Rieser-(Bittner)
Mary Ritchie
Charles W. Ropars, Sr.
Emma Roseman-(Letzgus)
Robert Rossiter
Nancy Roton-(Barner)
Robert Royds, Jr.
Frederick Ruehling
Mary Rumpf
James M. Russell
Joseph Ruszkowski
Michael Ryan
Theresa Rzemieniewska
Raymond Samuel, Jr.
Helen Sandulka
Nancy Sax
Mona Sayre (McDonough)
Carol Schaefer-(Harkins)
Diethard Schalki
Dyke Schalki
Kathryn Schenskie-(Mann)
Eleanor Schmid
Myrna Schmitt-(Kelly)
Elizabeth Schodowska (Eichenlaub)
June Schoy
Donald Schultz
Mary Schwartzer-(Greet)
Frank Schwarz
Paul Scinicariello
Joan Seltner
Helen Severa-(Centulo)
Barry Shapiro
Harry Shaw
John Sheva
Jacqueline Shollenberger-(Ahern)
Robert Shuttleworth
David Sinn
Walter Smietana
Christopher Smith (Arnold)
Clifford Smith
Fred Smith
Richard Smith
Robert Smith
Shirley Smith
Meril Smith-(Fleming)
Margaret Snodgrass-(Vacca)
Jean Sosnicki
Barbara Southard-(Dow)
Janet Sowers (Vickery)
Ronald Sperling
Raymond Staszak
Edward Stencler
Florence Stephens
Margaret Stevens
Richard Stewart, Sr.
Raymond Stillwell
Edward Stoebenau, Jr.
Stanley Stone
Martha Straub
William Strobel
William Strozyk
John Stubeda
Doris Sweeder
William Sweet
Joanna Szatna-(Devlin)
Rosalie Szymborski
William Tarotuski
Ernest Tauscher
Janet Taylor
Harold Terwilliger, Jr.
Virginia Thomas
Joan Thompson
Joyce Thompson
Margaret Tomczak
John Trexler
Eugene Turner
Walter Tyndall
Julie Valiante-(McCabe)
Thomas VanHorn
Darlene VanHorn-(Oshaughnessy)
Dorothy Veigel-(McGeehan)
Gertrude Veigel-(Profio)
Walter Vurlicer
Richard Wagner
Wesley Wainwright
Constance Wakefield-(Tarlini)
Carole Waldman-(Phillips)
Leon Walker
Robert Wasilewski
Kenneth Waters
Helene Weiss
William West, Jr.
George Wetzel
Melvin Wexler
George Weyrauch
William Whalen
William White
Robert Widhson
Carole Wiley (Dadino)
Ruth Williams (Spencer)
Thomas Williams
William Willis
Dolores Wisniewska
Frederick Wojciechowski
Arleen Wolf (Logan)
Richard Worrell
Edward Wozniak, Jr.
Joanne Yaussi
Hilda Yoerke (Proctor)
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