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Jules E. Mastbaum Alumni Association (JEMAA)
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Marie Adamonis
Nancy Alfrey (Doyle)
Patricia Amodei (Krenicki)
Shirley Andrew (Kebert)
William Armstrong
Robert Ashbaugh
Walter Ashenfelter
William Atkinson
Henry Bailey
Irene Baker (Farmer)
Paul Bankes Jr
Joan Barger
Gerhard Barsuhn
Joseph Bartholomew
Joanne Batten (Weidenauer)
Arthur Batzig
Robert Beattie
Frances Bebco (Mullen)
John Becker
John Bellis
Elizabeth Bender (Howard)
Verda Bender (Jester)
Edward Berkery
Lillian Biegenwald (Strough)
William Bieneman
Patricia Binder (Mulderrig)
Rose Bittner (Givnish)
Richard Bodkin
Richard Boller
Carol Bombardiere (Nemeroff)
Raymond Borawski
Leonard O. Brewer
Philomena Briglio (Kelly)
Richard Bromley
Billie Brooks
Lillian Bruzas (Schussler)
Mary-Helen Buday (Bristow)
Thomas Bythrow
Hope Cakrane (Vrato)
Carol Ann Campbell
Fred Willie Canada
Edna Capewell (Friend)
Judith Cardwell (Chadwell)
Patricia Cheek (Redner)
John Clark
John Cliver
Carole Clothier
Dolores Coates
Sabia Colonna (#name?)
Wayne Conner
Barry Cook
Raymond Cooper
Robert Coshland
William Coyle
Frank Crager
Timothy Creaden, Jr.
Charles Crowthers
Carolyn Cwiklinski (Henwood)
Helene Czuczman (Szabries)
Carol Dahl (Bellis)
Ann Dameler (Revelli)
David Danilowicz
Robert Danner
Robert Danner
Mary Davidian (Schuman)
Eva Davis (Fosbenner)
Jeannette Deininger (Ristine)
Gene DelleDonne
Calvin Dennis
Earl Dennis
Dennis Devlin
Daniel DiBiasio
Carlo DiCesare
Harold Didyoung
Clement DiRuggieri
Ruth Dixey (Werner)
Louis Dixon
Ronald Dolt
David Donahue
Brian Donleavy
Robert Donnelly
Raeleen Dougherty (Klancic)
Carole Dowd (Leidy)
Diana Dryslewski (Royds)
Rebecca Dunavent
Edward Dutill
Joseph Dutkiewicz
John Duzenski
Linda Eberhardt (McGill)
Richard Eberhart
Florence Edelstein (Bowers)
Stanley Edwards
Lydia Ehrle (Schmidt)
Joy Elliott
Pauline Elliott
John Emmel
John Fahy
Earl Falice
June Faulkner (Bickel)
Lorraine Faunt
Carol Fenton (Doman)
Elsie Fischer
Regina Flood
Leonardo Floria
Dolores Flynn (Orechawski)
Annaliese Forberger (Struck)
Raymond Ford
Harold Fornwalt
James Freeman
Ruth Frey (Morton)
Frances Friend (Rocks)
Theresa Gadaleta (Watson)
Marlene Gausz (Hoyler)
Richard Geder
Carol Gery (Reahm)
Jeanette Gilpin (Herand)
Norman Glenn
Patricia Golashovsky (Williams)
Robert Gomel
Sandra Gorban-(Davis)
Patricia Gordon
Lillian Greenly (Sallee)
Stephen Gregorski
Robert Lee Gregory
Dorothy Gregory-(Niwinski Mahon 1…)
Patricia Grodziski-(Klein)
Arlene Grzelak (Ambrosio)
Gordon Henry Hafer
John Halligan
Veronica Hamel
Edith Hansen (Shelly-Hartley)
Robert Hatley
John Hauser
Charles Hebding
Geraldine Helfridge (Frankunas)
Helen Hendrickson-(Shaw)
Barbara Herzins
Alice Hinton-(Barton)
Esther Hirth-(McBratney)
Mary Horn (Schneider)
Bette Houghton-(Stepp)
Joann Howell
Judith Howell-(Reuter)
Vernell Howell-(Domer)
Kathleen Hughes-(Anderson)
Jean Iannotti-(Hofft)
Evelyn Ingram-(Ryan)
Robert Jacob
Virginia James
Theresa Jankowski-(Buck)
Lazar Jeka
Christopher Johnson
Roseanne Johnston (Cory)
Robert Jones
Gail Joseph-(Ossiander)
Edward Kaczinski
Josephine Kaminski-(McGuire)
Russell Kashow
Judy Keckler-(Raymond)
Harry Kelley
Nancy Kelly-(Kunzig)
Charlotte Kennedy (Booth)
Carol Kepner
Albert Kern
Dennis Killian
Geraldine Klosterman-(Lakatus)
William Knox
Eleanore Koehler-(Welsh)
Chester Krencicki
Walter Krenski
John Krippel
Richard Kruszewski
Patricia Krychowski-(Furness)
John Francis Krzywicki
Stanley Labinsky
Patricia LaBrie
William Lamenia
Doris Lansendel-(Boden)
Dorothy Laskowski
Russell E. LaViolette, Jr.
Mary Lawton-(Young)
Elaine Lemma-(Kugler)
Shirley Leo
Dennis Leppert
Theodore G Licaretz (Licaretz)
Frank Lieb, Jr.
Rosemary Lintner (McIntyre)
Dolores Lipiarski-(Snyder)
Ronald Lipinski
Janet Longan-(Smith)
Robert F. Lubitsky
Francis Maag
Kathryn MacDougall
Leroy Mack
LeRoy Mack
David MacLean
Robert Magill
Geraldine Malloy-(Rozanski)
Helen Mann-(Burns)
Arlene Mansfield-(Long)
Marie Marquart-(Gill)
Elaine Maryanski (Boucher)
Naomi Mattern-(Tieder)
Edna Maurer
Frederick Mayberry
Violet McCoy-(Debnam)
Francis R. McCully
Eileen McGraw (Ricci)
John McGurn
Helen McMaster-(Sullivan)
Shirley Menn-(Kunkle)
Stanley R. Merton
Leonard Metrow
Stella Miley
Jack Miller
John Miller
Carol Miller-(Strainer)
Jo-Ann Moore
Anthony Morgan
Raymond Morman
John Morrell
Richard Morton
Carl Mueller
Michael Mulderrig
Edward Mulvehill
Kenneth Narducci
Virginia Negron (Sandrovich)
Dennis Newton
Doris Nicolai-(McIntyre)
Julia Nieves
Walter Niwinski
Carole Noseworthy-(Blair)
Agnes Oczkowska
Lorraine Olkowski-(Paida)
Ruth Orr (Malloy)
Robert Pables
Patricia Parkhill-(Zionkoski)
Barbara Patterson-(Somers)
James Patton
Elaine Peden (Kromer)
John Peltz
Arlene Perry
Carol Gail Perry
June Perry-(Calvert)
Jean Petaccio-(Amato)
Elaine Petrie-(Cecil)
Barbara Porbacka-(Lavin)
David Povernick
John Povernick
Fred Pritchard
Edward William Pyffer
Raymond Rafalko
Charles Reed
Edward Reese
Eugene F. Reiber
Ruth Reitzheimer (Denzler)
Loretta Rentz-(Langan)
Jean Rey (Maldonado)
Shirley Reynolds-(Szerbin)
Carol Rhodes-(Dailey)
Janice Richards (Martin)
John Richardson
Arnold Richter
James Ross
Andrew Royds
William Rueblinger
Marie Russell-(Bross)
Nancy Sachartschenko-(Smerchenski)
Leona Sadowski
Rudolph Saldan
Lila Salofsky
Rita Sammon-(Donahue)
Kathleen Santmyer
Janet Sarnese-(Linder)
Robert Sauler, Jr.
Charlene Schaffer
Mary Schaub-(Howells)
Alice Schoenberg
Joan Scholtz-(Haines)
Doris Scholz
Marie Schroeder (#name?)
Carol Schubert-(Hearn)
Howard Shaffer
Bruce Sheward
Leonard Shuster, Jr.
Joseph Siegal
Carole Simmler (Shannon)
Carol Simpson
Robert Skidmore
Philip Slavin, Jr.
Joan Sleep
John Smith
Patricia Smith (Collins)
Robert Smith
Sandy Smith
Jesse Smith, Jr.
Thomas Joseph Snodgrass
Janet Snodgrass-(Tarlini)
Dolores Snyder-(Wilson)
James Sobolewski
Leon Soltysiak, Jr.
Donald Sommer
Joan Sondesky-(Siewert)
Richard Sosnowski
Elizabeth Spotts-(Martinez)
Margaret Stalnecker-(Wessen)
Joseph Statkiewicz
Charlotte Staublein-(Taurino)
Robert Stevenson
Catherine Stock (Burkitt)
Barbara Stotz (Williams)
Catherine Strockbine-(Hartman)
Stanley Strzemecny
Manuel Suarez
Doris Sundberg-(Tych)
Dennis Syphrett
Kathleen Szczepanski-(Dutill)
Richard Szerbin
Clarence Taylor
Raymond Terrill
Eileen Thomas
Claire Tomaselli (Fields)
Theodore Tomczak
Nancy Torpey (Sloan)
Eileen Marie Trexler (O'Donnell)
Elaine Trexler
Alberta Troutman-(Heard)
Joseph Trunkwalter
Joan Tudor (Dolt)
Russell Vanderwende
Ralpheena VanSant-(McKenry)
Joseph Verello
Ruth Vogel-(Rossitter)
Charles Volz
Kenneth VonBerg
Mary Waldman-(Kelly-Drakely)
Bradley Walker
Carol Walker (Deeney)
Alfred Walter
Mitchell Wardaski
Judith Weber-(Gannon)
Robert Weissflog
Barbara Weldon
Clarence White
Elizabeth Williams
Dolores Wilson (Snyder)
Frederick Wiser
Loretta Withers (Foley)
Arthur Wolfe, Jr.
Elizabeth Wood (Hellwig)
Janet Wood
Wayne Worrell
Robert Wozniak
Dianne Yeager (Street)
Marie Young (Detascale)
Robert Young
Sandra Young
Edward Zabinski
Gerald Zawodny
Patricia Zbyszynski (Traynor)
Annette F. Zimmerman (Mingherielli)
Walter Zubyk
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