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Jules E. Mastbaum Alumni Association (JEMAA)
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Patricia Adair
Wayne Albright
Daisy Alicea
Maria Alicea
Gregory Allen
Maria Allmond
Jimmy Amzoski
Dennis Anthony
Carla Apelt (Mandell)
Daniel Arita
Robert Armstead
Charise Armstrong
Robert Baker
Deborah Baumann
Andrea Beckett-(Norris)
Denise Bell
Antoinette (Toni) Beltran-(Gut…)
Alberta Benjamin
Marianne Bermender
Robert Bethea
Veronica Bethea
Dionne Bevins (Woodard)
Christopher Bilger
Lisa Bodel-(Pisasale)
Frank Boesz
Daniel Branigan
Kathleen Brookes
James Brown
Theresa Burtulato
Kathleen Callahan
Angela Campbell
Anthony Campbell
Catherine Campbell
Kelly Campbell
Nelson Caraballo
Debbie Carr
Jose Carrera
Linda Carreros
Wendy Carroll
James Carson
Marcelino Cartagena
Crystal Carter
James Carter
Lillian Cartledge
Joseph Ciccimaro
Magda Cintron-(Davis)
Angel Claudio
Patricia Clegg
Richard Clegg
Evelyn Colon
Debrah Conroy
Ross Cooper
Denise Cornwell
Allen Costello
Cynthia Crane
Roy Crossen
David Cruz
Edwin Cruz (Cruz)
Elvira Cruz
Cher Cuadrado
Nancy Curet
Michele Daly
Kimberly Daniels
Richard Deal
Debbie Debruno
Janet Devine
Dennis Devlin
Alexis Diaz
Joan Diaz
Matthew Dick
David Dolbow
Thomas Donnelly
Rafael Droz
Thomas Dudley
Joann Duffy (Moll)
Demetrius Dukes
Edward Dye, Jr.
Donald Easley
Tina Elliott
Sherilyn Espinosa
Keith Evans
Joan Fabry
Eliash Falco
Jacque Fanuiel
Elaine Farrell
Luz Febres
Joseph Fennelly
Lillian Fisch
Kelly Fisher
William Freitag
Ronda Fruit
Theresa Furlong
Lissette Galarza
Migdalia Galarza
Stanley Galiczynski
Michelle Gallagher
Tracey Gambrel
Celeste Garcia
Doris Gehm
Robert Gianni
Stephen Gift
Derron Gilmore
Desiree Gindhart
Regina Gniewek
William Godfrey
Frank Goez
Elizabeth Gonzalez
Gladys Gonzalez
Luz Gonzalez
Felicia Goode
Mary Grau
Joann Grogan (Simes)
Chester Grzesnikowski
Eileen Guckin
Brian Guerrant
Vincent Gunkel
Karen Gushue
Melissa Haas
Terrienna Haasz
Susan Haber
John Hackley
James Hall
Joan Hann
Robert Harner
Leonard Harris
Mannie Harrison
Helen Hart
Eric Haupt
Larry Hebding
Alex Heredia (Heredia)
Eileen Hernandez
Raymond Hernandez
Bryan Hewitt
Larry Hill
Robin Hocker
Rae Hoffman
Joseph Homanick
Serene Houston
Kelly Howell
Sharon Hubert
Theresa Hyde
James Jackson
Michael Jackson
Lisa Jankowski
Derrick Johnson
Michael Jolly
Edward Jones
Joseph Jones
Linda Jusino
David Kalbfell
Dorothy Kelly
Michelle Kelly
Hing Khov
Desiree Kinderman
Katherina Kit
Paul Knerr
Francis Kober
Thomas Krebs
Kimomara Lacourt
Jacqueline Latorre (Ortiz)
Tara Ledwell
Sharon Lee
Cheryl Lentine (Smith)
Marybell Leon
Rhoda Leonard
Julia Leone
Steven Leopold
Roshida Lewis
Elaine Little
Sherri Long
Clara Lopez
Flor Lopez
Lisa Lopez
Zaida Lopez
Tina Lukasienski
Lyannette Luna
Robert Malkowski
David Mallory
Hettie Mansfield
Kenny Margerum
Nancy Maria
Regina Marshall
Marisol Martez
Heidi Martin
Jacqueline Martinez
Lisette Martinez (Gregory)
James McCabe
Michelle McCallum
Wayne McCollian
Herbert McCutchen
James McDonald
Barb McGregor (McGregor)
Kathleen McKeogh-(Frayne)
Michelle McManis
Mary McMullen
Robert McNeil
Tameka McNeil
William McNeil
Rebecca Medina
Michelle Melendez
Gladys Mendoza
Anita Meyer-(McElhone)
Barbara Miller
John Miller
Louis Miller
Clarence Moody
Thomas Mooney
Horace Moore
Robert Moore
James Morgan
Rose Moroney
Keith Mullen
Michele Murphy-(Strain)
Debra Murray
Janice Neiley
Nicol Neinalt
Frank Nevsimal
Carmella Oakman
Lisa Ocasio
Eugene Oconnell
Raymond Oczowski
Felix Ortiz
Louis Padua
George Pagan
Shawn Palek
Katrinia Payne
Raymond Payne
Carmen Paz (Bush)
Gerald Pellak
Patrick Pelosi
Towanda Perry
Albert Peterson
Kelly Petrovia
Raymond Piehl
Louise Piffer (Lorino)
Michael Pinkney
Vincent Pinkney
Cheryl Pomroy
Bridget Potts (Reilly)
Jacqueline Presley
Herbert Quintanilla
Sheila Radcliff
Maria Ramos (Santana)
Tracy Reed (Hallman)
David Rehl
Joseph Reinert
Juana Rejo
James Riggio (Riggio)
Alberto Rivera
Alexander Rivera
Norma Rivera
Richard Rivera
Damaris Robles
Camille Rodriguez
Gladys Rodriguez
Yolanda Rodriguez
Carmen Roman
Rhonda Romanovich
David Rosario
Robert Rosario
Barbara Rosemiller
Nina Ruiz
Kristina Russell (Griffin)
Victoria Sallee
Angela Sanchez
Darryl Sanders-(Benjamin)
William Santana
Jose Santiago
Elaine Sauerbaum
Herbert Saunders
Raymond Schmid
Julia Scott
Nora Scott
Anthony Sgrillo
Christine Shanholtz
Georgann Sharp
Deborah Shaw
James Shead
Maryellen Shelly
Cynthia Sherrick
Wallace Shuttleworth
Christina Slavin
Charlene Smith
Henry Smith
Sharon Smith
Leonora Smolarski
Adelaida Sosa (Quintanilla)
Brian Sproul
David Stabler
Scott Stahl
Paul Stales
Dominic Staniskis
Alexander Stanku
Gayle Stanowski
Anthony Stark
Alphonso Stevens
Richard Stewart
William Stewart
Joanna Stinger
William Stockage
Robert Strain
Yvette Streater
Christine Studer
Beatriz Suarez
Joseph Sullivan
Kelly Sullivan
Tamara Talley
Harry Tate
John Tepper
Angel Torres
Jason Torres
Luis Torres
Juana Trejo (Cruz)
Michael Tretina
Nancy Tucker
Rubbie Urroz
Carmen Vega
Maritza Velasquez
Marybell Velasquez
Ruben Viera
Caroline Vincente
Vivian Vivier
Peter VonBerg
Aretha Wadley
Patricia Wagner
Larry Walker
Matthew Wermuth
Eugene Wexler
Keith White
Lorraine White
Serena Wiley
Bernice Wilkerson
Kenneth Williams
Michelle Wilmer
Frank Wolfgang
Angela Woods
Eric Wright
Melissa Wurtz
Joyce Wyatt
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