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Jules E. Mastbaum Alumni Association (JEMAA)
Classes 1931 to Present
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Fall Reunion/Fundraiser 2024
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In Memory
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Classmate Profiles (1933)
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M Albertson
P Beck
S Berman
E Billard
J Blood
J Bosch
E Boston
William Branson
B Brotleff
E Brown
J Brown
F Brunier
C Bumm
Catherine Bumm (Schaudt)
G Butch
B Clifford
T Clouser
A Coates
L Cohen
V Corson
J Crelley
P Darrah
A Dawson
H Eastwood
S Ferneau
H Friend
V Friend
F Fruh
J Funk
A Gagliardi
L Godwin
L Goldpoint
S Green
A Greenwood
M Heileman
R Hoffman
G Horner
A Hymowitz
H Kaminska
H Kennedy
L Kinsley
J Kolowski
B Landgrebe
C Lane
S Levin
E Lindsay
John Ludwig
R Manning
B Mark
F Marks
H Marsden
Alexander McAllister
S McClintock
B McElfatrick
M McLauchlan
A Meighan
A Melnyk
A Meyers
W Miller
H Morris
M Mostovyk
E Mullen
L Nield
M Pakarik
N Pape
T Paul
J Prau
Earl Quinn
Earl Quinn
S Rakowski
A Remer
R Robinson
F Ross
N Rossi
L Rosso
Elwood Schellinger
K Schrauk
H Schrott
H Seiler
R Sembello
L Shapiro
R Singer
L Smith
M Smith
M Snyder
J Stevenson
J Strauss
W Supp
G Swink
L Theile
M Thomas
J Tutkis
D Walmsley
H Ward
Ethel Waring (Fetterly)
C Weiss
Ruth Will-Foster
B Wilson
B Young
R Zindell
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