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Jules E. Mastbaum Alumni Association (JEMAA)
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Dolores Adamczyk (Nicolardi)
Esther Albeser (Yorko)
Edyth Amey
Phyllis Anellia (Midora)
Mary Antigo
Philip Baker
H Banford
James Barger
Kenneth Barraclough
E Bates
Anna Battista-(Grossi)
C Bauer
F Bedizziki
Susan Bender-(Ennis)
Donald Bestland
Frances Bier
Robert Bleam
E Bodenschatz
Bertha Boehmler (Costello)
Helen Bogatuik
Margaret Bohn
Blanche Born (Speck)
Viola Bradley (King)
John Brandt
Mary Bratus (Serembus)
T Bryant
Alice Buckley (Capacino)
Francis Cantwell
Anna Cantz
Mary Lou Carver (Nemerofsky)
Richard Champ
Sophie Chitjian
George Christian
Josephine Cieslak
Ralph Citrino, Jr.
Nancy Colonna-(Berry)
Dorothy Cornett-(Luterotty)
Robert Croll
John Danak
George Davis
Josephine DeCree-(Azarewicz)
Augustine DeFinis
William DeThomas
George Dickson
John DiPinto
Alvin Donat
C DOrazio
Norma Dorfman
Paulette Dowling (McKaig)
Donald Doyle
Doris Dracup (Weckley)
Stella Dydek
Edward Dzialo
S Edwards
Howard Eiseman
Doris Etschman (Glatz)
Francis F Faber
Robert Fagan
Eugene Fagan, Jr.
Gladys Faunce (Cleary)
Harold Fegley
Agnes Fellows-
Marie Fischer (Furman)
Marie Flaherty (Goslin)
Betty Fleck (Foell)
K Ford
Jerold Fox
Rose Fox-(Alexander)
Julia Frankunas-(Pryzby)
Lawrence Franz
C Freels
Gerry Froggatt
Alice Frompovicz (Tibbetts)
Joseph Gabryelewicz
Margaret Gallagher
Joan Garrison
Richard Geiger
S Gershman
Betty (Liz) Giampaolo (Rooney)
Patricia Gilbert
Gladys Gilvear (Dewey)
Ceslaus (Chester) Gogojewicz
Vera Goodyear-(Sullivan)
Edna Graver (Webb)
Mary Griesemer
W Hackey
T Hallowell
W Harbison
Edward Harrigan
Charles Harris
Walter Hellings
David Hengstler
Charlotte Hentzell
Marilynn Hicks
Herbert Hirsch
Josephine Hober (Garland)
Roland Hollingshead
Mildred Hoss
Melvin Hutchins
E Ingram
Albert Iuliucci
Stanley Jackewicz
Ismalie James
Joseph Jones
Florence Joseph-(Kurth)
Alice Juliff-(Lentz)
Albert Kammerle
Julia Karwoski
Doris Kashow-(Kolb)
Helen Kelly
Marie Kelsey (Zaporowski)
John Kennelly
Jean Keys (Perpanti)
Dorothy Keyser
Eleanor King (Brang)
Theresa Klingler
Nancy Korndaffer-(Siganuk)
Frances Kozlowska-(Walsh)
F Krajain
Margaret Krauss
Lillian Krebs
Marian Kreutzer
Joseph Kuczynski
Helen Kwiatkowska-(Mikus)
Robert Lake
Virginia Lamb (Spangenberg)
Joseph Lambrecht
Irene Lando (Beckwold)
Joan Lando-(Hauser)
Robert Laws
E Lees
William Leibfrid
Margarette Leidtke-(Stocks)
Emma Lindner-(Leafey)
Catherine Link-(Bentham)
Edward Litwa
Dolores Loielo
F Lomax
Cosmo Losco
Dorothy Lozowicki-(Duka)
Adeline Macho-(Ellis)
Alberta Macklin (Kelly)
J MacMurray
George Manella
George Margerum, Jr.
A Marshall
Edmond Martin
Marie Marynowitz (Cassidy)
Edward Maselko
Dorothy Matich
P Mauro
Dorothy McDowell (Kulp)
Jeanette McElroy (DeAzuero)
Jeanette McElroy-(DeAzuero)
John McGovern
William McIntyre
Richard McKay
Harry Medary
Theodore Miehlke
Alice Mieloch
Lucy Migliore
Martha Miller (Gannon)
Rose Miller
Edward Misko
James Muckenfuss
Sam Mychlyk
Raymond Neely
Eleanor Newton
Stephen Niechcielski
Alexander Niemczak
Betty Obrien (Dailey)
Diane Oetzel (Serembus)
Esther Ogden
Rose OHanlan
Harry Opiola
Dolores Pavilonis
Rose Pellicore-(Fragale)
Anna Petry-(Roellinghoff)
N Pfeiffer
Fred Pflugfelder
Esther Piccinini-(Cirone)
Jerry Pietroforte
Stanley Pimble
Thomas Pimble
Carl Plomchok
Frank Portscheller
Stanley Potoshnik
Calvin Pue
Dorothy Ream
Marie Ricciutti-(DellAgizzo)
Harold Richardson, Jr.
Andrew Riley
A Roberts
R Roberts
Irene Roman (Moszicki)
Herbert Roos
W Rowe
Raymond Ruoff
Alice Samuelian
Dorothy Schaeffer-(Struzinski)
Kenneth Schantz
Wilma Schingen (Miller)
G Schmidt
Harold Schmidt
Charles Schrader
Dorothy Seltzer (Derago)
Thomas Shaw
Lewis Skeen, Jr.
Dolores Snyder-(Sharp)
Clara Steegmueller
Kathryn Stickel
Jane Stolle (Headley)
David A Strake
Loretta Szafran
Stephania Szczepkowska-Bartosiewicz
Frank Szklanny
Dorothy Taylor
Fred Teufel
Harold Thomas, Jr.
Robert Vaders
J Wade
Alvin Walcott
Carl Walters
Joseph Waninger
Dorothy Waples (Swift)
Doris Waters (Hamilton)
Ralph Weidenmoyer
Dorothy Weingard
Dolores Wheatley
Marie Witzel
Eleanor Zaleski
Charles Zobel
Joseph Zolynski
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