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Jules E. Mastbaum Alumni Association (JEMAA)
Classes 1931 to Present
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Robert Ankenbrand
Lewis Barrett, Jr
Viola Battan
Ruth Berg
Carl Berlinger
Edward Bina
William Blattner, Jr.
William Boyland
Anne Bradbury
Alice Burdziak
Marion Burns
Robert Campbell
Nathaniel Cohen
Harry Cohill III
Albert Covert
Beatrice Craig
Chester Dalgewicz
Albert Denk
Edward Dobrowolski
Catherine Essig
Laura Farago
Elbert Ferguson
Wilbert Fidler
Albert Flacco
Gertrude Ford
John Frick
George Fulton
Edward Gafney
Lillian Gartling
Eleanore Gaul
Lewis Goldberg
William Goodfellow
Harry Govin
Charles Graham
Charles Guthapfel
George Hadfield
Frank Hamer
Charles Hammer
George Hanemann
Adolph Harrison
Sidney Hartley
John Henseling
Warren Herkert
Robert Herring
Howard Hodge
Eleanor Hoffman
Benjamin Hoke
Thomas Holleran
John Hughest, Jr.
Elizabeth Hyde
Elizabeth Johnson
Florence Jones
Ruth Kaben
Peter Kaczmarek
Rusamond Kalman
Francis Kalmbach
Alphonse Kanetsky
Paul Keiser
Paul Keisler
Robert Kelso
Beatrice Kenyon
George Kiedaisch
Jacques Kline
Arlene Klump
Harry Kolber
Maurice Kositsky
Margaretha Kuhn
Joseph Kukowski
Richard Kunkel
Walter Lancaster
John Lang
Albert LaSelie
Kathleen Leininger
Wayne Leininger
George Lentz, Jr.
Wilbert Leopold
Eileen Lewis
Henry Ludwig, Jr.
Charles Lunkenheimer
Mary Lutter
George Mains
Henry Malinger
William Martin
James McCool, Jr.
Jackson McGraw
Althea Medley
William Meehan
Leonora Michaelson
David Miller
Woodrow Montrey
Myrtle Morehead
John Motchos
Alice Murray
Arthur Naylor
Michael Nazarok
William Nichparenko
Vaughan Nielson
John Noble
Vincent Nowakowski
Frances Olivera (Swallow)
Anne Ormerod
Harold Paget
Michael Pakyz
Nunzio Pellegrino
Sophie Perkowski
Stella Petrascu
Frank Portone
Harold Purnell
Mattie Reid
Wereno Renzi
John Rizzi
Lyle Rosenbaum
Virginia Rubin
Bernard Rudin
James Russell
Gustav Schlack
Eleanor Schleyer (McBride)
Eleanor Schuenemann
Edna Schweizerhof
Eleanor Seaman
Daniel Seivert
Herman Selkow
Vincent Shalvey
Ruth Shapiro
Albert Sherlock
Harold Shorrock
George Simpson
Matthew Stein
Pearl Stein
William Stein
George Styer
Helene Subtire
Viola Suydam
Amy Szieleit
Norman Taylor
Ruth Thomas
John H. Thomas, Jr.
Laura Thompson
Marie Toal
Joseph B. Turanckas
Georgianna Tyree
Theresa Vitale
Anne Wagner (Thomas)
Paul Waldemeyer
Charles L. Wentz
Albert Wharton
Gladys White
May White
M Windle
Kermit S. Yeager
Mary Young
William R. Zerweck
August C. Zimmerman, Jr.
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