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Jules E. Mastbaum Alumni Association (JEMAA)
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Christine Alocillo (Glasgow) (1989)
Harold Anderson (1976)
Elam Angstadt Jr (1955)
Rochelle Batties (1968)
David Bauer (1980)
Bonnie Betz (Ramsey) (1972)
Barbara Blaker (Ziegler) (1967)
Dorothy Britland-(King) (1955)
Art Caldwell (1974)
Elizabeth Cannalley (Pall…) (1980)
Kathleen Carner-(Palumbo) (1984)
Jessica Casanova (2006)
Elizabeth Chapin (Luce) (1957)
Dolores Chipley (Toohey) (1970)
Norma Chipley (Buchheim) (1955)
Kim Clendaniel (1977)
Jeffrey Cohen (1975)
Joseph Costigan (1992)
Lynn Crownover (Rhine…) (1964)
Henry Cruz (1972)
Sharon Cruz (1974)
Gladys Cuadrado (Jackson) (1980)
Donna DeMarco-(Mazzoni) (1969)
John DiPasquale (1986)
Laura Dixey-(Fornaciari) (1959)
Heather Dixon (Reigle) (1986)
Tony Downing (1979)
Kathleen Drobonick- (1964)
William Emilius… (1966)
Zulma Estrada (Estrada) (1996)
Charles Ferguson (1977)
David Figueroa (1974)
Craig Forant (1993)
Kenneth Frame (1977)
James Gill (1965)
Alice Goldstein (Chaykin) (1969)
Richard Grunau (1952)
Robert Henz (1967)
Patricia Hill (Lesser) (1970)
Thomas Hoffner (1974)
Lucy Ingelido (Siciliano) (1952)
Mariano Irizarry (1977)
Robin Jackson (Zelinsky) (1985)
Sharon Jones-(Pierce) (1991)
Theresa Kern (1970)
Lorentz Kristiansen (Kristia…) (1970)
Charles Kunkle, Jr. (1959)
Virginia Levy (Daniels) (1965)
Joan Maduzia (Logan) (1969)
Barbara Magee-(Delozier) (1962)
Shirley Magurczek-(Volgraf) (1959)
Mildred Marmion-(Lin…) (1964)
Gregory Marshall (1967)
Awilda Martinez (Caraballo) (1973)
Roberto Matos (Matos) (1969)
Walter Mazie III (1974)
Michael McCracken (1972)
Joan McDaniels (Girone) (1989)
Jeff McMaster (1978)
Melinda McMullin (Rod…) (1992)
Daniel Mellen (1967)
Maria Merced (Lopez) (1972)
Richard Miller (1972)
Charles Mills, Jr. (1972)
Sonia Nazario (Nieves) (1962)
Edward Otterbein (Otterbein) (1980)
William Pengler (1982)
John Pera (1980)
Jose R Perez, Jr. (1994)
Linda Piccone (Propes) (1989)
Camille Piccone-(Babusik) (1959)
Albert Pickard (Pickard) (1956)
Sharon Pickford (1997)
Joseph Priest (1974)
Thomas Quinn (1957)
Charles Raborn (1977)
Barbara Rafferty (Murphy) (1960)
Josefina (Josie) Ramos (M…) (1971)
Barbara Raupp (Grace) (1981)
Laura Reyes (Padilla) (1996)
Alcides Rivera (2013)
Rafael Rivera (1973)
Rose Rivera (1979)
Jason Robles (1999)
Mary Roccato (Good) (1955)
Yesenia Rodriguez (Me…) (2004)
Zinnia Rodriguez (1996)
Joyce Roese (Rosner) (1958)
Sharon Romsdahl-(McGurk) (1979)
Edward Rosa (1990)
Joseph Roxberry (1988)
Ann Sabato (DiLisio) (1953)
John Self (1968)
Marc Smith (Jurowicz) (1988)
Lillian Soto (1970)
Donna Taylor (Ritchie) (1975)
Shirley Thompson (Dacenzo) (1980)
Joseph Trangata (1959)
George Tymowczak (1967)
Donna Vaughn (Taylor) (1990)
Johanna Vidulich-(Milovich) (1962)
Jennifer Walcott (Furlow) (1982)
June Ward (Vearling) (1967)
Elizabeth Weldon (Greyer) (1976)
Matthew White (White) (1991)
Richard White (1977)
Diane Williamson (Har…) (1965)
Deborah Wright (Simor'ne) (1985)
Frank Young (1953)
Luis Zayas (1990)
Robert Ziegler, Jr. (1972)